About Us

About us

Haben Eri - ሽልማት ሃገር

Haben-Eri is a non-profit 501(C)3 licensed organization and holds its registration in the state of Georgia, USA.

The organization is managed by volunteers in their respective fields of the profession with the collaboration of Eritreans and friends of Eritrea from the USA and Canada.


We are group of Eritreans and friends of Eritrea dedicated to providing a sustainable financial, Material and Professional assistance through membership, Donations and active fundraising events, to empower the disabled Eritreans to lead and maintain an improved way of living unique to her/his mental and physical capacity.


To make significant contribution in the life of the disabled by providing, material and professional support design to fill-full short- and long-term goals of the disabled.

Core Values

  • To provide and maintain a high-quality services.
  • Respect the disabled right to thrive.
  • Reduce the economic burden of the sizable disabled.
  • Allow the disabled to a partner in their care.
  • Establish transparency, professionalism, integrity and accountability between the disabled and the providers.

Our Board Members

Dr. Haile Mezgebe


Dr. Aron Kefela

Vice President

Dr. Berhe Habte-Giorgis

Dr. Eyassu Habtegabr

Dr. Yemane Habtu

Dr. Fessehaie Tekle

Dr. Fickak Habtes

Mrs. Sandra Carelli

Mrs. Aster Makonnen

Mr. Filmon Tewolde

Mr. Fitsum Baire

Mr. Samson Alemseged